and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.
Luke 2:14 NIV
Gloria in Excelsis Deo! That phrase is Latin for “Glory to God in the highest!” Across the years, worshippers in liturgical traditions have sung the Gloria Patri, also called the “Minor Doxology” or “The Angelic Hymn,” which is based on this text. During the Advent and Christmas season we often sing the more familiar hymn, “Angels We Have Heard on High.” Whichever version we sing, the message is profoundly clear: In our music, our worship, our offerings, and our lifestyle, we have an opportunity to bring glory to God who has provided for us the greatest gift ever given.
Each year during Advent, worship features candles and carols, prophecies and promises, friendship and faith. On recent Sunday mornings we have lit the Prophecy Candle, reminding us of the messianic promises rendered by prophets long ago, and the Angels Candle, highlighting the angelic announcements to Elizabeth and Zechariah, to Joseph and Mary, and to Shepherds watching their flocks by night. This Sunday we will light the Shepherds Candle, which commissions us with our responsibility to spread the good news about the child born in Bethlehem.
This Sunday as we gather amid the colorful seasonal décor, we will sing the carols of the season and hear a message from Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11entitled “The Lord of the Ring.” Then on Sunday evening, we will gather at six o’clock for In Excelsis Deo presented by our Festival Chorus and Orchestra.
By the way, this week, in addition to our tithe, Amanda and I are writing our check for our annual Christmas Offering for Global Missions. We invite you to join us as we prayerfully and financially support those who serve as missionaries around the world. You can designate your Global Missions Gift for any combination of the Baptist World Alliance, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Southern Baptist Convention, or our Locally Directed Missions Fund.
Also, as you prioritize your holiday and end-of-the-year giving, I invite you to join the Howards in giving a gift toward the final payment on The ROC. Thanks to your faithful contributions we are close to paying off this $3.4 million project in less than five years. Working together, we can finalize payment by the end of December.
Advent is an opportune time for spiritual reflection and spiritual commitment. This season is also a great time to invite a new friend or a long-time neighbor to join you for a worship service or a concert.