Thursday, December 15, 2011

Celebrate With the Joy of Giving

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  II Corinthians 9:7 NIV

For most of my life, I have heard it said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”   Those words are actually in the Bible (Acts 20:35), recited by Paul and attributed to Jesus out of the oral tradition of Jesus’ teaching.

A few days ago, USA Today published an article entitled, “Does Tithing Buy Happiness?”  While the title sounds a little too much like it was taken from a page in the “prosperity gospel,” the article itself makes some great points about stewardship and the joy of giving.  Research shows that those who give generously have a higher degree of satisfaction and peace about life.

Interestingly, the article also commends the practice of tithing as a discipline that fosters community:
This importance of social ties brings us to the particular brilliance of tithing. Done as most people envision it — that is, giving generously to your local church — tithing helps build the ultimate social network: a thriving community of people who will care for you, pray for you and help you in tough times. People who have close-knit networks are happier and healthier than others, too.
Many in our First Baptist Family are living examples of the joy of giving.  During this season approaching Christmas, FBCP members are giving generously above their tithes to support missions through the Global Missions Offering.  Many are giving an extra contribution this year to pay off the remaining balance of the ROC.   And in addition to these gifts there are a variety of other missional projects including Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes, Warm Friends Hoodies and Gloves, Shoes for Weis students, and our annual Luncheon for the Homeless.

Yesterday morning, I was privileged to volunteer at Weis to assist in delivering hoodies and gloves, and to help the students try on shoes that were provided by our Median/Senior Adult Sunday School Departments.  I experienced the joy of giving all over again.  Because of the generosity of members of FBCP, the students at Weis had warm hands and happy feet. It’s no wonder that God loves a cheerful giver. 

This Sunday the festive music of the season continues as we talk about “A Song Worth Singing” from Luke 1:39-56.  On Sunday evening, we will meet in Chipley Hall at six o’clock for a Christmas Concert presented by members of our Praise and Worship Team.

Don’t forget that there are no Wednesday activities or dinners on December 21 and 28 so that you can spend quality time with your family. 

Our annual service of Carols and Candles begins at 5 p.m on Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas Day we will meet at 10:30 for worship.  Come dressed casually in your Christmas colors.

Especially during the holiday season, I count it a privilege to serve alongside generous and joyful givers.  May the joy of giving become more and more contagious, and may our community of faith continue to become happier and healthier.

Pastor’s note:  If you are not currently following @FBCPensacola on Twitter, I encourage you to start following this week. On Sunday January 1, we will have our first Tweet sermon.  We will “tweet” the scriptures, quotes, and major points of the message during the worship service.  Bring your smartphone, IPOD, IPAD, or other devices to worship with you on January 1 and “follow” along.