Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advent: A Progressive Journey toward Christmas

When observed faithfully and progressively, Advent can prepare us for a Christmas celebration filled with mystical wonder and deep meaning, a spiritual communion that far exceeds the buzz of shallow commercialism.

In the rural church of my upbringing, we didn’t observe Advent. We jumped directly from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  A few years after I became a pastor, I was introduced to the colors and candles of Advent and my journey toward Christmas changed drastically.  Today, I am convinced more than ever that as mission-driven Christians who live in a market-driven culture, we need the reflective disciplines of Advent to keep us alert to stealth forces like materialism, busyness, and greed, illusive grinches who would love to steal away the real message and gifts of the season and replace them with superficial slogans and glamorous counterfeits.

For the Christian, the season of Advent calls us to a progressive journey toward Christmas. When our days are soaked in prayer and saturated with expectation, we think about Christmas differently than the rest of the world.  Advent has a way of rescuing us from the busyness and the relentless anxiety caused by hyper­materialistic expectations.

This year our church family will count down the days until Christmas by re-visiting the prophets, singing the carols, re-reading the gospels, and lighting the candles that refuel our peace, hope, love, and joy. Then we will be better prepared to sense the anxiety of Mary and Joseph, to feel the labor pains of God, to celebrate the birth of the world’s most renowned newborn, and to hear both the singing of angels and sobs of Rachel weeping. This gradual journey of Advent culminates when the Christ candle is lighted and the Christmas Star shines over the manger in Bethlehem.

If we dare to journey through this season one day at a time, to reconsider the promises of the prophets, and to revisit the nativity narrative of the gospels, we may discover that we are more than ready to follow Christ from the cradle to the cross and beyond.

To enrich your Advent journey get a copy of the Advent Devotional Guide written by our FBCP members and compiled by our Children’s Ministry.  You can download a copy that is compatible with the PDF, Kindle, or E-Reader by going to

This Sunday we will light the Shepherds Candle and explore Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 as we ask, “Can You Hear the Rolling Thunder?”   Children’s Church also begins this Sunday for age P5 through 3rd grade.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday in worship and Bible study as we continue our progressive journey toward Christmas.