Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 17: “Jean Ingram Day”

Often God’s leadership takes us by surprise. Such is the case with the leading of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jean Ingram.

A couple of weeks ago, Jean Ingram shared with our church staff her plans to retire in July of this year.  Earlier this week, Jean sent a letter to the parents and children of FBCP sharing her decision. 

As pastor, I knew that this day would come, eventually.  I just expected that it would be a few more years down the road. But Jean is a prayer warrior.  And when Jean told me that she had prayed about this and felt God’s peace in the timing of her decision, I knew that this was the right decision for Jean.

Since August 12, 1987 Jean Ingram has been a part of our ministry staff at First Baptist Church.  She started as director of our Mother’s Day Out program.  Later she became our Interim Children’s Ministries Coordinator.  And eventually she was asked to become the permanent Minister of Children.

For the past 24 years, Jean has faithfully served as a minister to all generations at First Baptist Church.  She has cultivated and nurtured the principles of the Christian faith in our children.  She has capably provided leadership for our Pre-School.  She has encouraged and equipped young parents.  She has visited us when we were in the hospital.  She has led in worship with prayers, scriptures, and songs. She has been an inspiring teammate to each of our ministers.  And perhaps, most importantly, she has prayed for all of us.  Every one of us at FBCP have been blessed by Jean’s friendship and influence.

To celebrate Jean’s ministry, we are declaring Sunday July 17 as Jean Ingram Day at FBC Pensacola.  During each of the morning services, we will highlight the positive impact of Jean’s ministry.  Then on Sunday afternoon, we will have a grand celebration and reception in Chipley Hall.

The good news is that Jean and Al will continue to be an active part of our FBC Family.

In the weeks ahead, we will share more about the interim plan for Children’s Ministry.  We are grateful that with foresight and commitment to FBCP, Jean has put together a plan and a team to continue the exciting summer activities. 

I continue to appreciate your faithfulness during the summer months. July 3 is Red, White, and Blue Sunday.  I hope you have plans for a fun celebration on this 4th of July weekend, and I hope that you will exercise your Religious Liberty, by making it a priority to be in Bible study and worship this Sunday.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Are You For Real?

On occasion it’s more of an exclamation than a question: “Are you for real?”  Translated, it can mean, “Are you making this up?” “Are you telling me the truth or just pulling my leg?” “Are you sure about this?”

When it comes to your faith in God, are you for real? How can others who cannot peek at your motives, glance at your thoughts, or scan your soul, know for sure that you are a follower of Jesus?  What is the primary evidence of your credibility and authenticity? How do they know that your faith is real”?  According to John your Christian identity is best revealed in the way you love others: This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other (MSG).

When I think about authenticity, I am reminded of the story of Elijah McCoy, a master mechanic and engineer who was born in 1843 to former slaves who had escaped from Kentucky to Ontario via the Underground Railroad. His parents sent him to study in Scotland, where he earned a degree in engineering. Later in his career, working in partnership with the Michigan Central Railroad, McCoy invented a lubricating cup that automatically dripped oil. He received a United States patent in 1872, and installation of his invention on locomotives began shortly thereafter. His design greatly increased engine efficiency, and soon every company wanted one of the "McCoy Cups." So many inferior copies were made that train engineers began to demand "the real McCoy," and not a “knock off” or an imitation.

Authentic Christian living tends to be a more persuasive influence toward reaching seekers than sermons, songs, or religious programs. Seekers are more interested in the genuineness of your personal faith than they are your doctrinal purity or your denominational loyalty.

Speaking about the power of Christian witness, Scottish minister William Barclay surmises that, "More people have been brought into the church by the kindness of real Christian love than by all of the theological arguments in the world, and more people have been driven from church by the hardness and ugliness of so-called Christianity than by all of the doubts in the world."

For the growing Christian, faith is not a game wherein we pretend to be something we are not.  Growing Christians do not try to act hyper-holy or super-religious.   Deep down we know that we are merely sinners saved by grace. 

No matter where you are on the spectrum of Christian growth, be yourself and be real!

This Sunday we continue our series on The Good Life by talking about Good Medicine from Proverbs 17:22. 

Don’t forget the Chapel Choir Home Concert begins at this Sunday evening.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Big Apple Highlights

Our FBCP campus has been alive all week with the sounds of children…laughter, excitement, and lots of questions.  I asked a few of our students and “tour guides” about how things are going in The Big Apple Adventure:

What is the best thing about Vacation Bible School this week?
  • “Learning about everything” -Equan Cheatum
  • Learning about God and meeting new people”  -Claudia Lucas
  • Missions”  -Sophie Roy
  • “Eating the snacks”  -Hadley Groom
  • “Hanging out with my friends and making crafts”  -Savannah Persky
  • The best thing about VBS is the music and dances and the videos about faith.  This VBS is awesome.”  Paesha James
  • “The creativity and the excitement of the children about learning God’s word.  Your Children’s Ministry Director & Church Family have been so kind and we really enjoyed working VBS this week with you.”  -Yolanda Anderson

What is one thing you have learned in Vacation Bible School this week?
  • “I have learned to have faith in the Lord and believe in him so when someone has a different belief you can stand up and not be ashamed in the Lord.”  -Sophie Sanchez
  • “To have faith when everything doesn’t seem right for me.  To love people even when they envy me and to love God even when other people don’t accept me.” -Sundai Bailey
  • “Buildings made out of tape.”  Anonymous
  • “How to be a director.”  Anonymous
  • “We believe… connect it…Jesus loves you”  --Geoffrey Threadgill
  • “That Jesus can be your Savior.”  -Tah Kaira

What will you remember most about this year’s Vacation Bible School?
  • “To have FAITH and Love God!”  -Avery Curington
  • “All the people and fun!”  -Daphne Hulion
  • Table tennis and the nice community.”  -Daniel
  • “Having the best time in recreation.”  -Nathan Hudson
  • VBS was more fun this year then before because I got to know lots of people and met lots of new people.”  -Lindsey Harrison
  • The songs and dancing, and the different teams and class names.” - Precious Dixon

In VBS, we learn important lessons connecting life and faith….lessons that stay with us our entire lives.  Thank you for Jean Ingram and to all of our Big Apple staff for doing a great job in VBS 2011.

This Sunday, Chaplain Darren Stennett will be sharing a message from Psalm 73 about “Slip Sliding Away.”  We will be celebrating baptism at the beginning of the mid-morning service.

Also, this is the day we receive our Father’s Day Offering for the Health and Hope Clinic.   I invite to join me in bringing a generous gift to help fund this medical ministry of the Pensacola Bay Baptist Association. 

I look forward to seeing you in worship and Bible study this week as we continue learning to live by the book.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Take Courage

Proverbs 19:8 says, “Grow a wise heart—you'll do yourself a favor; keep a clear head—you'll find a good life.”  In June we begin our summer series entitled The Good Life.

Our culture teaches us that the good life is based on our material wealth or popularity.  But the Bible assures us that the good life is based on relationships and experiences. 

One key to the good life is learning to live with courage.  Our topic this Sunday is “Good Courage” and the scripture passage is Proverbs 27:1, 4-5, 13-14.

Vacation Bible School is just a few days away. Our students through 5th grade will be learning about The Good Life on June 13-17 as they embark on “The Big Apple Adventure: Where Faith and Life Connect.” Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors and to pre-register your children and grandchildren for Vacation Bible School.  We also need a few more tour guides, so make sure to contact Jean Ingram or Maile Gowing in our Children’s Ministry and sign up to work in The Big Apple Adventure.         

Summer at First Baptist brings more mission and ministry opportunities. In the months ahead we also have mission teams going to Russia, Costa Rica, and Haiti. To sign up for an upcoming trip, contact Don Minton.  Additionally our Chapel Choir is going North to Niagara and our middle school students are going to World Changers in Birmingham.

Project Alabama is our initiative to assist in repairing and rebuilding homes and lives in the aftermath of devastating tornadoes.  At this point, our partnership is focused on the communities of Sipsey and McDonald’s Chapel on the west side of Birmingham.  Monitor the Project Alabama link on to keep up with upcoming opportunities to serve.
This summer at FBC Pensacola there are great opportunities to learn, grow, and go.  Be faithful to the Lord and to our church with your time, your talent, and your treasure all summer long.

Speaking of faithfulness, this Sunday we will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Dr. Lynne Lauderdale, who started as our organist at FBC Pensacola on May 31, 1981.  A reception for Dr. Lauderdale is scheduled for 2 to 4 p.m. this Sunday afternoon in Chipley Hall.  Thank you Dr. Lauderdale for your faithful service.

I look forward to seeing you in worship and Bible study this Sunday as we continue learning to live by the book.