The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19: 1 NIV
When we marvel at the wonders of the universe, we discover that the awesome wonders of God inspire and invite us to know the God of wonders. Renowned astronaut Neil Armstrong once said, “Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.”
This Sunday, as we continue our series on Awesome Wonder, we will be focused on Psalm 19 and our opportunity to “Know the God of Wonders.”
This Sunday is also Back to School Sunday. You are invited to come dressed casually wearing your school colors. In each of our worship services we will be recognizing our students and teachers, and we will share in a season of prayer for the coming school year.
Our annual Beach Baptism is scheduled for this Sunday afternoon at four o’clock at 501 Panferio behind the Shell’s home at Pensacola Beach . At this point we have 11 candidates scheduled for baptism. If you or a member of your family have recently made a commitment to Christ or a decision regarding church membership, please contact me or one of our staff ministers to prepare for baptism.
Pray for our Children’s Minister Search Team as we deepen our search for our next Minister of Children. Ms. Jean provided excellent leadership and left big shoes to fill, but we believe God will lead us to someone who will build on the great foundation that is already in place.
We are also grateful to Lauren Sansing who is filling in temporarily as the Ministry Assistant in the Children’s Department. We hope to have a new Ministry Assistant in the office within a couple of weeks.
We are extremely grateful to have a team of devoted laypersons who will be providing leadership during the interim season. Mike Hudson will be the leader of the interim team. Pray for Mike and our interim leadership team as they plan and coordinate fall events and activities. (For more information regarding Children’s Ministry and the search for a Children’s Minister, please check out the Children’s Ministry FAQ at
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday in worship and Bible study as we deepen our faith in the God of wonders.