Thursday, August 4, 2011

Awesome Wonder

O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hands have made.
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
                        - Carl G. Boberg and R.J. Hughes”

This Sunday we begin our August series on Awesome Wonder. While emotional forces such as anger, guilt, or fear may motivate you for a short season, the most sustainable and prevailing motivating force for a human being is to sense the awesome wonder of God’s initiatives.  What God has done and is actively doing inspires me toward consistency while fleeting emotions tend to deceive.

On Sunday mornings during August we will look at a variety of Old Testament songs that call our attention to the awesome nature of God and the awesome wonder of God’s creation and re-creation.

This Sunday morning we begin the series with “What an Awesome God!” from Psalm 68:24-35, an encouraging word about the places we experience the awe-inspiring nature of God.

On Sunday evening we share in the first August ConcertA Staff Affair…featuring members of our FBCP Ministry Team and their families.

Also there is big news!  This Sunday morning at the beginning of each of our morning worship services I will be sharing briefly about a couple of extraordinary gifts that have been given to our FBC Pensacola family, and I will let you know how you can make that gift even more significant.

During the past several days, Amanda and I enjoyed a great visit to the National Parks of northern California.  Thank you for providing generous vacation time for me to rest, refresh, and re-energize.

I look forward to seeing you in worship and Bible study this Sunday morning as we explore the awesome wonder of God.

Series: Awesome Wonder
Aug7     “What an Awesome God!” Psalm 68:24-35
Aug 14 “When Cymbals Clash” Psalm 150
Aug 21 “Know the God of Wonders” Psalm 19
Aug 28 “Now Is the Time to Worship” Psalm 100