What is your soul? It doesn’t show up on an x-ray or sonogram. It is not listed as one of the major organs of the human body in your anatomy textbook. And yet the Bible describes the soul as something that can be lost and found, a part of you that can yearn and be satisfied, your receptor for grief and for joy, a facet of your existence that can be expended and restored.
In the creation story, the origin of human life is described this way: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 KJVBased on various biblical references to the soul, C.S. Lewis succinctly summarized, "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”
During September, we begin a new series on Soul Purpose. On Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings we will be examining many of the Bible passages about the soul and how we interact with God.
On Sunday evening, September 11 we will meet in Pleitz Chapel at to observe the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that occurred in 2001. Members of our FBCP family will be sharing their personal stories related to the events of 9/11.
On September 18, we will join with other churches around the country in emphasizing Back to Church Sunday. For a variety of reasons, church members can become disconnected from their church family. Identify someone you know who hasn’t been involved in church and invite them to come with you during September.
On September 25 we will share in a Combined Worship Service at in the sanctuary. Bible Study will begin at Prior to worship we will share in our second annual Congregational Meeting where we will affirm our 2011-2012 ministry budget, and hear brief mission and ministry updates.
Then on Sunday afternoon, we will meet at 3:30 at Bayview Park for our annual Church Picnic.
I look forward to seeing you in worship and Bible study during September.
Series: Soul Purpose
Sep4 “Discovering Your Soul Purpose” Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Matthew 22:36-38
Sep7 “Restoring Your Soul” Psalm 23, III John 1-2
Sep11“Soul Considerations” Psalm 35:9-10, I Peter I:3-9
Sep14“Soul Competency”
Sep14“Soul Competency”
Sep18 “Pushing Up Daisies” Psalm 116:15, Mark -37
Sep21 “An Anchor for Your Soul” Hebrews -20
Sep25 “Soul Searching” Psalm 139:1-4, 7-8, 13-14, 23-24
Sep28 Mission Fair
Sep28 Mission Fair