Thursday, November 4, 2010

Answering the Call

In November we begin a new series entitled Serve with Gladness.  This Sunday we begin by asking, “When God Calls, Will You Answer?” as we look at the call of Samuel in I Samuel 3:1-10.  The message will encourage us to take a closer look at how we can respond to the call of God upon our life.

Answering the Call is also the emphasis of the report and recommendation presented by our Deacon Ministry Task Force last Wednesday evening.  This recommendation was unanimously approved by our Administrative Council and our Deacons in their October meetings.  The recommendation will be presented for approval of our church family during the Quarterly Congregational Meeting on Wednesday November 10.

Let me share with you a little bit of history and a few highlights.  In November of 2008, I presented a challenge to our congregation that, among other things, urged us to “upgrade our model of organization.”

In 2009, at the request of the Administrative Council, then deacon chair Comer Knight appointed a Deacon Ministry Task Force consisting of John Hodges (ch), Allen Turner, Bart Neal, Dr. Bob Wilson, Comer Knight, Larry Hicks, and Ron Jackson. This team was charged to look at ways we might upgrade the way we as a congregation and deacons organize ourselves for ministry.

Here are a few brief highlights:

What contributed to the Task Force’s proposal?
  • Prayer and study of scripture.
  • Interviews with leaders of ten churches of similar size.
  • Reflection on our uniqueness and diversity at FBCP.

What is the major emphasis of the upgrade? To organize ourselves around three biblical roles:
  • Service: Deacon Ministry, Ministry Teams and Mission Projects.
  • Discipleship: Sunday morning Bible Study groups, weekday small groups, and a variety of workshops/training events.
  • Administration: Administrative Council, Committees

What are the notable changes in the upgrade proposal?
  • To elect 12 deacons per year, a maximum of 36.
  • To expand the Administrative Council to 16 voting members.
  • To expand the “Committee on Committees” to the “Committee for Placement,” a committee that will help members match their gifts and passions with places of service throughout the year.

During the next few days, be welcome to talk to any member of the Deacon Ministry Task Force to ask questions and to get clarification on any part of the recommendation. Also, thank the members of the Task Force who have spent countless hours meeting, praying, and dialoguing about how we can be a more effective congregation.

I am excited about the upgrade recommendation, primarily because our Task Force, our Administrative Council, and our Deacons are excited about the upgrades.  I think it will give us more efficient ways to answer the call, do effective ministry, and provide dependable administrative leadership.

Don’t forget to change your clocks this Saturday night or early Sunday morning.  We will “fall back” one hour, marking an end to Daylight Savings Time.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study, and as we explore ways we can answer God’s call.