November 2 is Election Day in the state of Florida. Citizens of the Sunshine State will be electing a new governor and a new senator, among other offices. Residents of Pensacola will be choosing our city’s first strong mayor, and other local officials.
If Jesus were a Florida resident would he vote Democrat, Republican, or Independent? While we cannot know exactly who Jesus would vote for, based on Jesus’ emphasis on civic responsibility, I think we can say for certain that Jesus would vote. And based on what we know about Jesus’ values, I have a hunch that Jesus would vote based on the character of the candidate and not party identity.
This upcoming election is a crucial one, especially for Florida and for Pensacola. As this election approaches, l encourage you to join me in exercising the responsibilities of our citizenship in the following ways:
- PRAY for the candidates and for the election.
- VOTE your personal conviction.
- SUPPORT those who are elected.
- WORK to make our city and surrounding community a better place to live, work, and raise a family.
This Sunday we will be asking, “Would Jesus Use an I-Phone?” How would Jesus utilize and manage media technology? Is it possible for us to get addicted to texting, email, and cell phones? How can we best utilize these as resources that enrich our lives?
On Sunday afternoon we look forward to a fun time at Trunk or Treat. Bring your family and friends to the upper parking lot at 4 o’clock as we share in this enjoyable and safe Fall Festival.