Friday, October 1, 2010

What Would Jesus REALLY Do?

If Jesus were living on earth as a full-fledged human being in the 21st century, what would his lifestyle be like? How would Jesus make purchasing decisions? What would his wardrobe be like? What kind of car would Jesus drive? Would he have a cell phone? What would he do for fun? How would Jesus respond to the moral and ethical challenges of our day? How would Jesus respond to those in poverty?

In October, we begin a new series for Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings that asks, What Would Jesus REALLY Do?

By definition, a Christian is a follower of Jesus. Through the amazing gift of salvation, Jesus forgives our sin and sets us on a new course in life…a course of learning, growing, and serving as we follow his guidance. As Christians, we are to be followers of Jesus everyday of our lives. As we study Jesus’ teachings, as we gather with other believers to worship, and as we spend time in daily conversation with Jesus, we grow to incorporate more and more of his values and perspectives in our own lifestyle.

This week we also begin our Fall Discipleship Series. On Sunday evenings during October and November we will meet in Pleitz Chapel at five o’clock to study Religions of the World.

I hope to see you each Sunday in October in Bible study and worship as we discover more of the Christ-centered life.

October series: What Would Jesus Really Do?
Oct 3 a.m. Would Jesus Eat White or Wheat?
Oct 6 p.m. What Would Jesus Wear?
Oct 10 a.m. TBA, Ross Lankford
Oct 13 p.m. Would Jesus Go to War?
Oct 17 a.m. Would Jesus Use a Credit Card?
Oct 20 p.m. Would Jesus Use Paper or Plastic?
Oct 24 a.m. Would Jesus Throw a Keg Party?
Oct 27p.m. Would Jesus Vote Democrat or Republican?
Oct 31 a.m. Would Jesus Use an I-Phone?

Fall Discipleship Series: Religions of the World
Oct 3 Islam
Oct 10 Voodooism (Don Minton)
Oct 17 Hinduism
Oct 24 Buddhism
Oct 31 Event: Trunk or Treat
Nov 7 Judaism
Nov 14 Mormonism
Nov 21 Jehovah’s Witnesses
Nov 28 Event::Deck the Halls and Bless These Walls