Acts 10:1-8
(outline - Wed. Jan. 27)
1. Acts is about the formational experience of following Jesus, the fresh wind of the Spirit, and the emerging network of believers that was later called “church.”
2. Our missional focus in 2010 is to help people connect with God and others through Jesus Christ.
3. Cornelius was a Roman Centurion. Centurions were non-commissioned officers, roughly equivalent to Sergeant-Majors. They were in charge of Centuries--companies of approximately 100 men. They were vital to the daily routine and battles of the soldiers.
4. Questions:
· What is the best way to reach out to those in other nations and other church traditions?
· When exactly did Cornelius become a believer?
· How many different ways are there to express your faith in God and your commitment to following Jesus?
1. Even good people need good news.
2. Some people are respectful and reverent toward God, even before they know who Jesus is.
3. There is more than one way to describe your salvation experience.
4. Your receptivity to God’s Spirit makes a huge difference in the lives of others.
5. We must always sort out which traditions empower our faith and which traditions render our faith ineffective or irrelevant.