As I am preparing for our series in Acts I am reading the book of Acts in multiple translations and I am re-reading and researching numerous books that provide greater insight and understanding about this strategic book of the Bible. Those books include The Spirit, the Church, and the World by John Stott, The Book of Acts by Frank Stagg, the Acts of the Apostles by Charles Ryrie, and The Church—Alive and Growing by J. Terry Young.
The latter book, The Church---Alive and Growing, was written in 1987 by one of my seminary professors at
There are churches of all kinds, mediocre churches, indifferent churches, “average churches,” big churches, little churches. And then there are effective churches. Nearly any church can be an effective church if it will do three things:
- Maintain a vital, faithful relationship to its head, Jesus Christ.
- Have a proper self-understanding of what the church is, and what it is to do.
- Follow sound principles of conducting its ministry.
In describing what he means by effectiveness, Young contends that “size alone is a poor measure of effectiveness.” Rather, he says, Effectiveness is…
- Doing an excellent work of ministering in the community where the church exists.
- Adequately meeting the needs the church sees within its membership and its community.
- Doing well what that church ought to be doing. (For example, using our unique strengths and our gifts.)
- Producing a steady stream of converts who are guided into maturity and led into productive service in the work of the church.
- Make a telling impact on the community surrounding the church so that it is a better place because of the presence of the church.
I am excited about life and ministry at FBC Pensacola during 2010, not because we are doing all of the above to perfection, but because one by one our members are connecting with opportunities for effective ministry through Samaritan Hands, our Allie Yniestra Partnership, Bridges Out of Poverty, Angel Food Ministries, Health and Hope Clinic, and many others. Of course, to be truly effective, our most important connection must be to Jesus Christ. This year…once we are connected…our aim is to help people connect with God and others through Jesus Christ.
The book of Acts gives us a glimpse into the birth of the early church, a church that is alive and growing. This Sunday we are focused on When Church Comes to Life from Acts 2:1-4, 42-47.
As we continue our study of the book of Acts, I challenge each of us to do three things:
- Read the book of Acts in two or more translations.
- Bring your Bible and notepad to Bible study and worship.
- Be a faithful participant throughout our 13 week series.
(Check out for the notes and outlines from the Acts series.)