Thursday, February 18, 2010

Connecting with Church

Our aim as a church family in 2010 is to help people connect with God and others through Jesus Christ. Acts is a great book to help us clarify and strengthen the important connections in life. In January we focused on the importance of connecting with Jesus in a personal relationship. In February we are emphasizing the importance of connecting with church.

As the early believers grew in faith and friendship, learning to boldly follow Jesus, something extraordinary began to happen. Luke writes, Then the church ... enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord. Acts 9:31 NIV

In these days of church shopping, when people tend to float from one church to another, affiliating temporarily with whichever group offers the newest fad or the most popular technology, it’s important for us to remember that church is a spiritual family, a network of believers who covenant to be the incarnate presence of God in their community.

My friend Dan Yeary, pastor at North Phoenix Baptist Church provides a great orientation to those who join the congregation he serves:

I tell our new members: you don't join a preacher, you join the church. And you join the church for one reason--because you believe that God told you to plant your life there. If you join because of a style of preaching, that can change. If you join for the facilities or the programs, that can change. You've got to ask, Where does God want me to invest my life?

This Sunday, as we continue our series, When Church Comes to Life, we will be exploring Acts 15:5-21 as we highlight “Lessons in Consensus Building.” We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper in each of our worship services, and then share the Lord’s Supper with our homebound members on Sunday afternoon.

There’s a fresh wind of the Spirit blowing across our First Baptist Family. Don’t miss the opportunities God is sending our way.