Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wising Up This Summer

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 NIV

During Vacation Bible School June 14-18 our students will be learning about wisdom at “Saddle Ridge Ranch.” The VBS memory verse, James 1:5, is a great verse for our entire congregation to learn and remember.

Why do we need wisdom? Perhaps now, more than ever, Christ followers need to learn and exercise wisdom in our daily lives. We need wisdom to decide on our major, choose our vocation, make daily decisions, manage our money, maintain our relationships, and serve with purpose. When we fail to exercise God-given wisdom, we tend to make poor choices and act selfishly or stubbornly.

This week we begin a new series entitled Wising Up! which aims to help us connect with wisdom for daily living. This Sunday we will focus on “Where It All Begins” from Proverbs 9:10. Also this Sunday we are looking forward to celebrating baptism at the beginning of our midmorning worship service.

Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors and to pre-register your children and grandchildren for Vacation Bible School. We also need a few more trail bosses and ranch hands, so make sure to contact Jean Ingram or Emily Meneely in our Children’s Ministry and sign up to work at the ranch.

Next Wednesday evening we have an extraordinary treat in store as we host the Mercer University Children’s Choir. At FBCP we are blessed to have many friends and partners around the world who host our choirs when they are on tour. This week we are privileged to serve as host to one of the premier children’s choirs in the southeast. Bring the whole family for dinner and the concert on Wednesday June 9.

At First Baptist, summer presents great opportunities for learning, growing, and going. Be faithful to the Lord and to our church with your time, your talent, and your treasure.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for Bible study and worship.