Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wising Up! and Doing Good This Summer

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 NIV

For Vacation Bible School June 14-18 our students will be learning about wisdom at “Saddle Ridge Ranch.” Our trail bosses (leaders), ranch hands (teachers) and cowpokes (students) will enjoy all kinds of fun adventures on the ranch including visits to the Bible Study Bunkhouse, Worship Rally Valley, Mustang Mountain Recreation, Firefly Cavern Missions, Big Sky Grill, and Blazing Star Crafts.

Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors and to pre-register your children and grandchildren for Vacation Bible School. We also need a few more trail bosses and ranch hands, so make sure to contact Jean Ingram or Emily Meneely in our Children’s Ministry and sign up to work at the ranch.

Saddle Ridge Ranch is not the only place you can learn about wisdom. Building on our VBS theme, we begin a new series in June entitled Wising Up! which aims to help us connect with wisdom for daily living.

Here are some of the topics we will consider in June:

June 6 Where It All Begins Proverbs 9:10

June 13 Wising Up When Others Are Dumbing Down James 1:2-8

June 20 On Solomon’s Porch I Kings 3:1-12 (Father’s Day)

June 27 Choosing Wisely! Ephesians 5:15-21

Our aim in July is to connect with missions as we begin the series, Doing Good Everywhere We Go. I am excited that we have a large number of FBCP folks involved in missions this summer. In June we have a team going to Russia and our Chapel Choir going to California. During July we have teams going to Jackson, Mississippi; Franklin, North Carolina; Costa Rica; and Europe. Then in October, we have another team leaving for Haiti. Additionally, we have several of our mission partners who will be visiting us in Pensacola this summer.

Here are our tentative topics for July:

July 4 Let Us Work for the Common Good Galatians 6:1-16

July 11 Rooting for the Underdog Psalm 82, Luke 10:25-37

July 18 Bringing Out the Best in People Proverbs 27:17

July 25 Dr. Bob Greene, guest preacher

At First Baptist, summer presents great opportunities for learning, growing, and going. Be faithful to the Lord and to our church with your time, your talent, and your treasure.