Thursday, April 1, 2010

Passion with a Purpose

Throughout 2010 our M. O. (modus operandi or missional objective) is to help people connect with God and others through Jesus Christ. During the month of April let’s encourage each other to get connected with passion.

This Sunday is Easter, a day that we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. During worship this week we will celebrate the baptism of new believers and we will begin a new sermon series from the gospel of John entitled Passion with a Purpose. Just as we have been reading the book of Acts together as a church family during January through March, I invite you to join me in reading through the gospel of John in two or more translations during the months of April and May. In addition to the triumphant resurrection story, the good news according to John includes Jesus’ practical teachings about love, service and abundant life.

In chapters 12-20, John reports on the events that occurred when Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The experiences surrounding the betrayal, trial, and execution of Jesus are often referred to as the passion narratives. The passion of Christ speaks volumes about the depth of the love of Christ. As we carefully consider the passion of Christ, the Spirit inspires us with more passion to serve Christ by serving others.

This week as we reflect on the suffering of Christ and celebrate the resurrection of Christ, I am praying that God will kindle passion with a purpose within each of us.

Invite a friend to join you as we gather for Bible study and worship on Easter Sunday.

Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer; Death is strong, but Life is stronger; Stronger than the dark, the light; Stronger than the wrong, the right; Faith and Hope triumphant say Christ will rise on Easter Day.

- Phillips Brooks