Thursday, April 15, 2010

Have You Got ComPASSION?

In these days following Easter, as we absorb the reality of the resurrection, we have an opportunity to connect with passion in our faith and lifestyle. Just as the passion of Christ on the cross testifies to his great love for us, the fervent love of Christ fuels our passion to serve him by serving others, even the “least of these” in our world.

As we continue our series in the gospel of John, Passion with a Purpose, we have designated this Sunday as Compassion Sunday. In John 21:1-19, we find a post-resurrection encounter where Jesus helps his disciples catch an abundance of fish. This story not only reminds us of God’s gracious and faithful provision in meeting our needs, but the story also challenges us to share from our abundance to feed the body and nourish the soul of those who live in poverty around the world. As we grow in our faith, our passion to serve inevitable expresses itself in the way we show compassion to those in need.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for Bible study and worship to focus on ComPASSION.