Thursday, March 25, 2010

Experience the Passion During Holy Week

Next week is Holy Week, we will join with Christians around the world in reflecting on the events that led to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

The tradition of observing Holy Week seems to have originated in the Christian East, emerging out of the practice of pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Each day of Holy Week is important but four days call for guided reflection. Palm Sunday is a day to revisit the royal welcome extended to Jesus by the curious crowd as he entered Jerusalem. On Maundy Thursday believers recall the occasion when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples as he gave them a new mandate to love and serve. Good Friday is a day to review the passion and suffering of Christ on the cross. And Resurrection Sunday, or Easter, is a festive day to celebrate and proclaim that “Christ is risen; He is risen indeed.”

Holy Week is best experienced one day at a time. In his book, The Gift of Worship, Weldon Gaddy underscores the opportunity we have to experience a profoundly meaningful experience of Jesus’ resurrection: “Holy Week services bring into focus dimensions of discipleship that are missed completely by a simple leap from Palm Sunday to Easter. Worship services which take seriously the truths of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday please God because they challenge a greater commitment and a more comprehensive ministry of compassion among the people of God.”

This year as you approach Holy Week, reflect on the larger gospel story of the experiences of Jesus. Take time to listen to the voices of the crowd. Hear again the teachings of Jesus and ponder his days in Jerusalem. Contemplate the cruel injustice of the cross. Experience the passion of Christ’s suffering. And ultimately, celebrate the mystery of the resurrection with renewal of your vows to faithfully follow Jesus. A slow and deliberate journey through Holy Week may re-energize your faith and equip you to live with passion.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we complete our study of the book of Acts, and as we begin this strategic journey through Holy Week.