Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Connect with the Spirit in March

In March we are continuing our study in the book of Acts as we focus on the good things that happen When Church Comes to Life.

During our study in Acts and throughout 2010, we are learning to help people connect with God and others through Jesus Christ. This month, I am challenging every member of our FBC family to connect with the Spirit as we learn about the indwelling, empowering, encouraging presence of God’s Spirit in our lives.

The Holy Spirit is not a paranormal anomaly. The Holy Spirit is not a divine ghost drifting aimlessly through space waiting to land on a believer. The Holy Spirit is the personality of Jesus that comes to reside in the life of a believer through the experience of conversion. The Holy Spirit is the dimension of God that convicts us of sin, comforts us in grief, re-enforces us with boldness, and guides us in decision-making.

Have you noticed that there is a fresh breeze of the Spirit blowing across our fellowship? The Holy Spirit is at work to unify and motivate God’s people to serve cooperatively and courageously.

Connect with the Spirit in March and stand in awe of what God can do in the lives of ordinary people like you and me.

Sermon topics for March:

Mar 7 Have You Received the Holy Spirit? Acts 19:1-24

Mar 14 Almost Persuaded Acts 26:1-32

Mar 21 Courage on Shipwreck Island Acts 27:13-26

Mar 28 Two Years in a Rental House Acts 28:17-31