Have you noticed what a great job members of FBC Pensacola have done welcoming us to worship in recent weeks? I think our church is being enriched by the increasing participation of our members in worship leadership and in ministry.
Last Sunday, Buddy Burks shared the welcome in our Early Service and Jim Murphy shared the welcome in the Midmorning Service. Both Buddy and Jim, without conferring, each commented on their joy in being a part of this body of believers we call First Baptist Church .
For me, their comments came during a weekend when I was giving thanks for our church family, specifically our strong commitment to missions, our emerging commitment to local ministry, and our growing sense of spiritual community. During recent weeks I have witnessed the following things firsthand:
· I have noted the positive impact of those who work at Samaritan Hands.
· I have observed individuals and small groups organize meals to deliver to the homes of some who are battling health complications and other’s who have lost loved ones.
· I have admired those who took vacation time to spend 10 days in Haiti doing medical missions, construction work, and orphanage ministry.
· I have been in the trenches with our members who were helping guide others through a season of personal crisis and tragedy.
· I have listened as guests in our worship services have told me that “this is the friendliest church we have visited.”
· I have appreciated deacons and their spouses who delivered and served the Lord’s Supper to our homebound members.
· I have received enthusiastic reports from members who volunteer at our local schools with Backpack Buddies, First Friends, and other programs.
· I have gazed at the dolls and apparel put together by our Sewing for Jesus circle.
· I watched as all ages brought in their shoeboxes to send to children around the world through Samaritan’s Purse.
· I have been thrilled to hear students say, “We’re going to miss Brad, but we believe God will send us a new student minister who will help us continue to grow.”
· I continue to be grateful for the growing commitment of our deacons to partner with their pastor in taking specific ministry assignments.
· I have celebrated the great report that our church family exceeded last year’s budget goal and that we boldly adopted an aggressive budget goal this year that elevates our commitment to missions.
· And I am glad we are getting closer and closer to making the final payment on the ROC. (With our matching gift, we lack approximately $150,000 completing payment on the ROC.)
As Thanksgiving approaches, I am grateful for your partnership in this ministry, and I count it a joy to be a part of our FBCP family.
Also, remember that you are invited to the Community Thanksgiving Service which begins at 7:00 on Tuesday November 22 at Temple Beth-El.
As one step in preparing for worship this Sunday, I encourage you to read Ezekiel 34:11-24. We are talking about “Grazing in Green Pastures.”