I am pleased to announce that our Children’s Minister Search Team has carefully and prayerfully chosen Laura Harrison to serve as our Interim Minister of Children. Laura, and her husband Craig, as well as their daughters, Lauren, Lindsey, and Lilly, are already faithful members of First Baptist Church .
Laura is a graduate of North Georgia College and State University. Previously, she has served as Preschool Director at Rolling Hills Baptist Church in Buford , Georgia , and Children’s Minister at First Baptist Church of Gulf Breeze. Laura’s hobbies and interest include family fun, bicycling, water sports, reading, and calligraphy.
Our Children’s Ministry Search Team’s recommendation to call Laura was unanimously and enthusiastically approved by our Personnel Committee and our Administrative Council. In a few months, when the Children’s Ministry Search Team is ready to present a final candidate to serve as Minister of Children, that recommendation will go to the Personnel Committee and the Administrative Counsel, and finally to the congregation for a vote of affirmation.
Laura has a great appreciation for the strong foundation established by Jean Ingram . And she has creative ideas for continuing to build on that foundation in the future. Join me in welcoming Laura Harrison, and praying for her as she provides spiritual leadership for our Children’s Ministry.
This Sunday morning, our Children’s Ministry will host a reception near the Children’s Welcome Center between 7:45 and 10:45. You are invited to bring your family to meet and greet Laura on your way to or from the worship service or Sunday School. Muffins and juice will be served.
On Sunday evening at our Singing Seniors will share their Home Concert in the sanctuary. Our Singing Seniors will depart on Monday morning for a tour that will take them to Ridgecrest and other stops along the way as they share the good news in song.