Our most senior church member will turn 100 years old this Sunday, September 11. Happy birthday, Roger Yonker! You are both an example and an inspiration. You are a living example of what it means to be a follower of Christ. And you are an inspiration in the way that you have served the Lord with gentleness and grace.
In other news, welcome Meagan Scott to our staff team as the Children’s Ministry Assistant. Meagan will be providing support for our Children’s Ministry and for our Pre-School. Also pray for Meagan’s fiance’, Joe Clavel, who is currently deployed with the Army National Guard. Meagan and Joe will be getting married in November. Also pray for Meagan, who will have a little heavier load of responsibility during the interim period between Children’s Ministers. Welcome to our team, Meagan!
I am also pleased to share with you that John Wise will be serving as our pastoral intern this fall. John is a member of our church family and has served as a student ministries intern in the past. In preparation for future ministry, John has completed a bachelors degree at the Baptist College of Florida and a masters degree from Liberty University . John will be a great addition to our staff team and we believe that his experiences with us will better prepare him for future opportunities. Welcome aboard, John!
In worship this Sunday morning, as we continue our Soul Purpose series, we will be focused on I Peter 1:3-9 as we talk about “Soul Salvation.” As you read this passage of scripture in advance, think about how God is at work in Christ to save us from sinful and trivial pursuits to a life of meaning and eternal significance.
On Sunday evening we will meet in Pleitz Chapel at six o’clock for Story, Song, and Prayer: A Commemorative Vespers Service on September 11, 2001 . Our own Bob Kashur, Frank Rush, Bill Santo, and Scott Grettum will be sharing brief testimonies and stories about their experiences from 9/11. Be welcomed to invite friends to join you for this inspirational evening of story, song, and prayer.
Sunday September 18 is National Back to Church Sunday, a great time to invite friends and neighbors who have become disconnected from their church family to come to church with you. It’s also a great opportunity for Sunday School teachers and members to personally contact those on their class rolls who have not been to Bible study in a while. Who can you invite to come to church with you on Back to Church Sunday? (Watch video at http://www.fbcp.org/Uploaded/11-Summer-Video.swf )