Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Good Life

What are the ingredients of a good life?  Our culture emphasizes the importance of riches, popularity, and comfort.  Our Bible emphasizes the importance of faith, purpose, and community. In June we begin our summer series entitled The Good Life.

Our students through 5th grade will be learning about The Good Life in Vacation Bible School on June 13-17 as they embark on “The Big Apple Adventure: Where Faith and Life Connect.” Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors and to pre-register your children and grandchildren for Vacation Bible School.  We also need a few more tour guides, so make sure to contact Jean Ingram or Maile Gowing in our Children’s Ministry and sign up to work in The Big Apple Adventure.        

During the summer months we are being “doers of the word” by engaging in a variety of mission projects and mission trips. For the next few months, many of us will be working with Project Alabama, our initiative to assist in rebuilding homes and lives in the aftermath of devastating tornadoes.  In the months ahead we also have mission teams going to Russia, Costa Rica, and Haiti. Additionally our Chapel Choir is going North to Niagara and our middle school students are going to World Changers in Birmingham.

Other events coming up in June include the following:
June 5           30th Anniversary Reception for Lynne Lauderdale
June 11          VBS Kickoff for The Big Apple Adventure
June 17          VBS Family Night and Concert
June 19          Baptism
June 26          Chapel Choir Homecoming Concert

At First Baptist, summer presents great opportunities for learning, growing, and going.  Be faithful to the Lord and to our church with your time, your talent, and your treasure all summer long.

Sermon Topics for June:
June 5           “Good Courage” Psalm 27:1, 4-5,13-14
June 12          “Good Faith”  Proverbs 19:6, Romans 10:17
June 19          Chaplain Darren Stennett, preaching
June 26          “Good Medicine” Proverbs 22:1