This Sunday, as we continue our Living by the Book series, we are zeroing in on missions as we talk about “Advancing the Good News.” What do we mean by missions? What is the difference between ministry and missions? How can we best be involved in global missions today? To prepare for Bible study and worship on Sunday, read Isaiah 6:1-8 and Matthew 28:18-20.
Interestingly, on the day we will be talking about missions, we have another team leaving for an international mission trip. Fifteen folks will be leaving on Sunday to work in Haiti . There will be two teams, one doing medical work and one doing construction work. Pray for their safety and their effectiveness.
During 2011 there will be five more opportunities to go on international mission trips to places like Haiti , Costa Rica , Russia , and Liberia . If you have never been on a mission trip, take some time to visit with Don Minton and explore the possibility of going on one of our trips this year.
Our First Baptist Family has a history of generous financial support for missions. In addition to appropriating 10% of all budget gifts for missions, we give generously to the International Christmas Missions Offering, an offering received in honor of the legendary missionary, Lottie Moon.
This year we are sitting right at the doorstep of our goal of $100,000. Currently we are at $97,200. We receive this offering through the last Sunday of February. That means that this Sunday is the final Sunday to receive gifts for the Lottie Moon offering. While we celebrate the generous giving of $97,200 to missions, wouldn’t it be great to surpass our goal before the close of the day on Sunday.
Amanda and I have already given to the International Missions Offering, but we are going to give an additional gift. This Sunday, let’s don’t just talk about missions. Let’s go “over the Moon” in giving generously to the International Christmas Missions Offering. (Reminder: You can designate your missions offering to go to any of our three major mission partners….BWA, CBF, or SBC.)
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study, and as we continue learning to be “doers of the word.”