Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are You Ready to “Step Up to the Plate”?

Baseball playoffs are just around the corner and the World Series is soon to follow. I have good memories of my childhood years of playing Little League baseball. Although I never made the All-Star team and my team did not win our league championship, I learned a lot about being a member of a team, playing by the rules, and doing my best.

In my first Farm League game I was playing right field and batting seventh in the line-up. In the top of the 3rd inning, I was to be the first batter so I put on the red batting helmet, picked up the wooden bat, took a few practice swings and when the umpire said, “Batter up!,” I nervously stepped up to the plate.

In life more than in baseball it takes courage to step up to the plate, especially when it’s a lot more comfortable sitting in the stands watching the game. And when you “strike out” or experience failure in some area of your life, it takes a lot of courage to step back up to the plate and try again.

As we begin a new church year I am calling on each member of our First Baptist Family to Step Up to the Plate! We can look good in uniform, we can be proud to be a member of the team, and we can take good-looking practice swings, but it’s when we move away from the practice circle and Step Up to the Plate! that we really begin to grow and mature in our walk with the Lord.

This Sunday we will meet as one large church family for a Combined Worship Service at 10:30. Bible Study groups meet at 9:00. On Sunday afternoon, plan to join us in Bayview Community Center at four o’clock for our annual Church Picnic

Good things are happening at First Baptist Church, but greater things will happen as more and more of us Step Up to the Plate! to bring our best to the One who gave His best for us.

Are you ready to Step Up to the Plate?