Good and gracious God, you have given us the privilege and the stewardship responsibility of living in one of the most beautiful and resourceful communities in the world. Even as we count the many wonderful blessings we share by living in this great land, we also sense that we live in a time of heightened concern and anxiety. Our nation is engaged in a multi-national military conflict. Our economy is slowly emerging out of a recession. And this week our eyes are turned toward cleanup of the Gulf.These concerns remind us of our need to confess our sins, and to embrace your plan for living life with purpose and integrity.On this National Day of Prayer, we pray for our nation. We pray for the men and women who serve in our nation’s military that they will perform their humanitarian mission with effectiveness and precision, and return home safely and soon. And we pray for our local, state, and national leaders that they will rise to a new level of bipartisan cooperation and moral courage commensurate to the challenges of our day.Specifically on this day during Law Week, I pray for every member of our legal community. I pray for our elected officials as they work together for the common good and the bright future of our community. I pray for legal staff members as they provide strategic support for a variety of leaders. I pray for our attorneys to provide careful counsel and appropriate advocacy to all clientele. And I pray for our judiciary as they administer decisions with both legal discernment and conscientious wisdom.Our aim is to live according to the words your ancient prophet conveyed which instruct usf us…”to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.”We offer our prayer in the name of the one who exemplifies the truth that makes us free indeed. Amen.
(I offered this prayer as the invocation at the Law Week Luncheon sponsored by the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association on May 6, 2010.)