It’s beginning to look a lot like Advent. Throughout this season of preparation for the coming of Christ, our campus is alive with prophecies and promises, trees and trimming, and candles and carols. Last Sunday in worship the Prophecy Candle was lighted, reminding us of the messianic promises rendered by prophets long ago.
This Sunday during each of our worship services we will light the Angels Candle, highlighting the angelic announcements to Elizabeth and Zechariah, to Joseph and Mary, and to Shepherds watching their flocks by night.
As we continue our Advent series, Discover the Joy!, we will explore Malachi 3:1-5 as we encounter “The God Who Scrubs.” In the Midmorning Service, our Chapel Choir will present The Manger Suite.
Also this week we will share in the Parade of Flags in each of our services as we kick off the Week of Prayer for International Missions. During this season, pray specifically for those who serve as our mission partners around the globe. And give a generous gift to our Christmas Missions Offering.
On Sunday evening, we will gather at
Our Children’s Ministry has done an excellent job of coordinating and preparing the 2009 Advent Devotional Book. This is a great resource for guiding your Advent reflections. Also, to enrich your devotional time, check out, an online Advent devotional experience.
Advent is a great time to invite a neighbor to join you as we gather for worship to Discover the Joy of following Christ.