When the grace of God is applied to a human life, great things can happen. However, to talk about grace, sing about grace, and even preach about grace, but not apply grace to daily living….that is a travesty.
In I Corinthians
This Sunday we begin our October series from the gospel of Mark as we investigate a variety of life situations Where Grace Applies. Each of our messages on Sunday and Wednesday will explore the diverse ways in which we experience, extend, and apply grace.
As our First Baptist Family continues to grow in faith and friendship, we are blessed to have many new residents and guests joining us for worship. The way we welcome new friends and the way we invite and assimilate them into our Bible study classes and small groups speaks volumes about our theology of grace.
This Sunday October 4 we begin the deacon nomination process. You are invited to prayerfully submit the names of persons you believe should serve as deacons beginning in 2010. Also coming up this month, we will celebrate baptism at
Celebrate God’s grace all this month as we worship faithfully, live authentically, and serve passionately.