November tends to kick off the holiday season… a fun and festive time of the year with Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and New Year’s all approaching consecutively. It’s also a great time of the year to fully connect with opportunities for worship and ministry.
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series built around The Alpha-Omega Factor. Revelation 21:6 conveys God’s ultimate declaration: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life (NIV). This series invites us to follow God’s ultimate plan and to plan for our ultimate destination.
Ross Lankford will begin our series this Sunday with a sermon from Revelation 5, Worthy Is the Lamb, which highlights the work of Christ in providing for our salvation.
On November 1-4, I will be leading in revival services at First Baptist Church of Aliceville, Alabama. The pastor at FBC Aliceville is our very own Charlie Wilson, son of Dr. Bob and Charlie Faye Wilson. Charlie’s wife, Jill, is also from FBCP and is the daughter of John and Jenelle Kizziah. I consider it an honor and privilege to be invited to share in this week with Charlie and Jill and their congregation. Please join me in praying that this will be a week of spiritual renewal and refreshing for the folks in Aliceville.
Our quarterly Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 4. Music will be provided by our Children’s Choirs and our Chapel Choir. We will hear one recommendation from our Missions Committee regarding financial support in 2009-2010 for Answering the Call Ministries, one of our long time mission partners. Then we will honor our friend, Jimmy Williams, with a reception upon his retirement as Director of Samaritan Hands. The music will be great. The business will be brief. The reception will be fun. And the fellowship well worth your time.
I hope you will make it a priority for you and your family to be faithful participants in worship and Bible study every Sunday in November.