Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Something Good Is about to Happen”

I’ve been thinking about a Bill Gaither tune that was popular many years ago which describes how I feel about our First Baptist Family as we come to the close of a busy summer and prepare for an exciting fall. The words go something like this:

I just feel like something good is about to happen,
I just feel like something good is on its way;
He has promised that He'd open all of Heaven,
And brother, it could happen any day.

Actually good things are already happening in our First Baptist Family. Here are a few examples:

  • We have had four baptism services in recent weeks and we already have 12 candidates who plan to be baptized at our annual beach baptism service on August 30.
  • We received notification this week that First Baptist Church was in the top 100 churches in the country in giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
  • Lots of folks are discovering their spiritual gifts and getting involved on ministry teams.
  • In recent months, our members have been involved in Mission Trips and Projects to North Africa, Liberia, Ecuador, Russia, Kenya, Afghanistan, Indiana, South Florida, and Cherokee, North Carolina.
  • Each week we are blessed with numerous guests and new friends in our worship services.
  • After having a few below average months financially, we had a great July and a good start to August.
  • We are enjoying soul-nurturing music in our August Concert Series.

These good things barely scratch the surface of the good things that are about to happen if we…

ü Follow God’s guidance daily

ü Worship together faithfully

ü Work together cooperatively.

The second verse to the Gaither tune continues:

When God's people humble themselves to call on Jesus,
And they look to heaven, expecting as they pray;
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
And brother, it could be this very day.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study, and as we prepare for “something good to happen.”