From the pastor’s virtual desktop….
At First Baptist, we want people to get connected and stay connected with God and with each other. One way to get connected with the important people in your life is through E-Connections. Each week I get e-correspondence from some of our youngest and oldest church members. We have a dynamic group of students who are growing up in an internet savvy world. We also have a progressive, forward thinking group of adults and senior adults who are becoming more and more e-connected. No one is too old to “connect.” In fact, a couple of weeks ago I learned that another one of our most veteran members, 93 years of age, is learning to email so that she can stay in touch with friends and family.
There are several advantages to web browsing, email, texting, and social networking:
- You can research almost any subject quickly.
- Emailing and texting can be more expedient and less expensive than traditional mail.
- It is easier to stay in touch with family and friends who live far away.
- Instant messaging, chatting, and skyping may be more affordable and enjoyable than long distance phone calls.
- E-correspondence saves paper.
- You can make online purchases for things like books, products, groceries, or airline tickets.
- Information is not always dependable.
- Risqué or pornographic content is easily accessible.
- Many online activities can become addictive.
- You are exposed to possible internet scams and viruses.
If you learn to manage e-technology, it can become a valuable resource for your work, your study, your entertainment, and your communication. This week I am secluded away from our church campus working on preparation for the summer and fall sermons, making some progress on a few writing projects, and catching up on correspondence. Even though I am away from my study, I have a “virtual pastor’s study” that goes with me wherever I go. I am doing research through online Bible translations, commentaries, and theological journals. My sermon plans and sermons are “written” on my laptop. All of my correspondence…prayer notes, thank you notes, and encouragement notes…are being sent and received through email. And I stay up-to-date on our church hospital list and other prayer concerns through daily e-updates.
At First Baptist, we are taking steps to better utilize technology, to help each other stay connected and stay informed:
- We have are continually upgrading our web site.
- We send our weekly newsletter, The E-Builder, by email (as well as a printed copy to those who request it).
- We send e-reminders for major events.
- We provide an online version of the church pictorial directory.
- Many of our Bible study groups and prayers groups have an email database through which to share events, devotional material, or prayer concerns.
- We provide opportunities for E-giving and online registration for camps, retreats, and other activities.
If you do not have email or internet access, do not feel left out or intimidated by technology. We continue to provide printed copies of almost everything you need to be an active and informed member of
As we continue to grow in faith and friendship, I hope that you will help those in your life to get connected and stay connected with God and others.
(Check out the following – This is our primary church web site. – This blog offers brief notes and outlines from the pastor’s sermons and studies – This is the pastor’s blog for articles on faith and culture. – This is the pastor’s journal where he shares personal thoughts and reflections.)