My planning calendar is full this summer. How about yours?
Summer can be an exceptionally hectic season. We can become so busy that if we are not careful, we will lose our connection to our church family, our faith commitments and to God’s purpose in our life. During the summer months, it is imperative that we stay connected. To make the most of our summer opportunities…camps, retreats, mission trips, recreation, and personal travels…I encourage you to get connected and stay connected to church family, to ministry initiatives, and to God’s specific purpose for you. Here is a good place to begin:
- Live authentically! Be your unique self…a sinner saved by grace…no pretention…no hyper-religious attitude…living life to the max with a non-negotiable commitment to Christ.
- Give generously! Dedicate all of your income and resources to fulfilling God’s purpose in your life. Begin by bringing the first 1/10, a tithe, into the storehouse to support missions and ministries of our church. Your tithes and offerings support kingdom initiatives in our community and around the world.
- Serve passionately! God has given you the spiritual gifts, personal passion, and/or heavy burden for some area of ministry or service. Put your energy and your time where your heart is and ask God to bless others through your lifestyle.
Gather with us this Sunday as we talk about “Something Good in the Neighborhood,” as we study the Bible together, as we celebrate baptism with six of our new members, and as we encourage one another in our journey with Christ.