Monday, February 23, 2009

Submission: Knowing When to Follow

Mark 8:34-35

(sermon outline for Sunday February 22)

Central idea: Jesus urges his disciples to be good and faithful followers.


1. I have been asked, “What is the most challenging discipline to preach on?” and “What is the most challenging discipline to put in to practice?”  The inquirers usually suppose that either Fasting or Stewardship is the most difficult discipline.  I am discovering, however, that Submission may be the toughest and yet the most timely of all of the disciplines.

2. Think about these probing questions to help you better understand your own attitude toward submission:

  • Do you struggle to follow the leadership of others?
  • Do you tend to rebel against authority figures?
  • Do you perceive marriage to be a hierarchy rather than a partnership?
  • Do you tend to be overly critical and/or withdraw from participation when things are not going your way?
  • Do you see God as being there to service your needs, but one who makes no demands of you?  (Some see God as their “spiritual concierge.”)

3. Jesus is on record as telling his disciples to follow him. The Bible instructs children to obey their parents. Jesus taught his followers to be good citizens who “render unto Caesar.”  And ultimately the Bible teaches us to be subject to God.

4.  As followers of Jesus we must navigate seemingly contradictory values and directives. Our parents taught us to stand up for ourselves and not be a pushover.  Our teachers tell us to dream and aspire and think outside the box.  The advertising culture tells us, “Have it your way!”  And the church has even joined the battle by succumbing to a self-service culture that says, If you will come to our church we will do church your way.

5. Jesus gave a firm invitation to follow:  Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self.        Mark 8:34-35  The Message

6. Definitions of submission

  • Submission- yielding to the will or authority of another
  • Submission- surrendering into full cooperation
  • Submission is to “partner in the mission.”


1. Submission deals with the way we view and interact with others.

    • Submission frees us to value other people.
    • Submission is the ability to lay down the terrible burden of always needing to get your own way.     Richard Foster
    • Submission calls us to work for the common good.

2. Jesus taught and promoted radical subordination.

    • Jesus gives a total reversal of the popular notion of greatness.
    • If any would be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.   Mark 9:35  NIV
    • The way of the cross is the life of voluntary submission.

3. Believers are taught to practice submission in multiple areas of life.

    • Submission to God.
    • Submission within the family.
    • Submission to our leaders.
    • Submission in community.
    • The exception clause is when “submission causes great destruction, or causes you to disobey a direct command of God.”


1. Summary: In every church, in every family, in every community, in every vocation, there is a time to lead and a time to follow. There are a lot of workshops, classes, and seminars to teach you how to be a good leader.  Jesus wants to teach you how to be a good follower.  When you become a good follower, there are others who will readily follow your lead.

2. Life application:

ü      Upgrade your marriage to a submissive partnership where each partner leads in his or her area of expertise and experience.

ü      Upgrade your citizenship by supporting, praying for, and cooperating with your elected leaders.

ü      Upgrade your church engagement by setting aside your personal preferences and your list of favorites and start working toward the common good of the whole body.

ü      Upgrade your discipleship, your daily Christian commitment, by deferring your ambition and making the tough sacrifices to follow Jesus.