Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finding the Right Size of Hammer

There has been a lot of hammering going on this week…and I mean the best kind of hammering.

On Monday morning of last week as our World Changers were loading the bus to head to Birmingham, one of the dads was sharing with me that his daughter was excited to be going on a trip where she could use a hammer.  When he got out his hammer for her to take on the trip, he realized that his hammer was probably too heavy for his daughter.  So he went and bought a smaller hammer that was just the right size for her.  Her excitement increased to be going on a mission trip where she could use her own hammer.

Birmingham wasn’t the only place where there was a lot of hammering going on.  This past Saturday, a great group showed up to work on our Habitat House.  The home, at
1008 W. LaRua Street
, is being constructed for our very own Jeannie Shields.  The next Habitat Work Day is August 20.

On Tuesday night, the Alabama Re-Build Team met again to complete the construction on the walls for the partnership home we are building in Sipsey, Alabama. The walls and trusses are being constructed in a warehouse in Pensacola and will be transported to Alabama for final assembly.  Did you know that we can build a “Katrina style” house for approximately $12,000?  We currently have about $32,000 in our Alabama Re-Build Fund.   The more we give, the more homes we can help re-build after the devastation of the spring tornadoes.

The ministry of the hammer is one of many ways we participate in the building of God’s kingdom.  In reality, hammers are a lot like the roles and responsibilities we fill in life.  They are not “one size fits all.”  We are each called to employ our unique gifts and talents in service to the Lord. Isn’t it great to be a part of a congregation where everyone needs to find the right size of hammer?

This week Amanda and I will be beginning a few days of vacation.  I am grateful that our church provides vacation time for me to re-charge my batteries. Pray for our travels to be safe, and for me to “disconnect” from my daily responsibilities for a few days in order to “re-engage” with renewed energy.

On Sunday July 24, Chris Ziglar will be preaching on “A Good Purpose” from Genesis 11:1-9.  Chris and Stacey, our resident missionaries who are preparing to depart for Brazil, have been adopted as a part of our church family during their year here.

On Sunday, July 31, Dr. Ross Lankford will be preaching on “Our Good Shepherd” from Psalm 23.

I look forward to returning to the pulpit on August 7 as we kick off our August series on “Awesome Wonder.”

Thank you for your faithfulness during the summer months…in worship and Bible study…in giving…and in the ministry of the hammer.

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Tribute to Jean Ingram

On August 12, 1987 Jean Ingram joined the staff of First Baptist Church.  Jean began her tenure here as director of our Mother’s Day Out program.  Later she became our Interim Children’s Ministries Coordinator.  And eventually she was asked to become the permanent Minister of Children.

Last month, Jean Ingram shared with our church family her plans to retire in July of this year.   

This Sunday, July 17, is Jean Ingram Day at First Baptist Church.  During each of the morning worship services prior to the sermon, a couple of folks will share a few stories about Jean’s influence.  Then on Sunday afternoon, we will celebrate Jean’s ministry during a reception from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in Chipley Hall. 

As we look back with gratitude across Jean’s ministry here, I have invited a few folks to share a tribute to Jean:

Jean has been and will continue to be a true friend, which is the greatest of all blessings.              -Reginia Barrow

 What a wonderful spirit; perfectly matched to work with children. What a blessing to me and to my children and grandson. Thanks Jean.                      -Andy White

Jean has played the major role in developing a Children's Ministry that literally has become a "front door" to our church for new members. She ministers to not only the children, but to their whole family as well.
                                                -Bob Morrison

Mrs. Jean is so loving and she cares about me and others.                             -Mitchell Keyes

For the past 24 years Jean Ingram has touched the lives of more children and parents at FBC Pensacola and the surrounding community than anyone I know.  Her Christian influence and the results of her work is immeasurable but we know it will continue to impact families for generations to come.  Well done faithful servant”                                  -Ron Jackson

I think it was to a young Dwight L. Moody that someone once said "the world has not yet seen what can be accomplished by a person totally committed to Christ." That may be true, but with Ms. Jean we have definitely had a glimpse.                 -Mike Hudson

Jean demonstrates what it means to love the Lord with all your heart.                        -Sara Shiell

Mrs. Jean was and is my inspiration for wanting to have a career in the mission field.                     -Eden Gafford

Mrs. Jean is so sweet, loving and kind.  She is very cool to be around.                                  -Margaret Ann Vinson

I am glad that Jean and Al will continue to be a part of our church family in the years ahead. Thank you Jean for 24 faithful and effective years of ministry.  The seeds you have planted will bear fruit for generations to come.  And we look forward to growing in faith and friendship alongside you in the years ahead.

This Sunday, we are looking at Proverbs 3:21-24 as we emphasize the importance of “Getting a Good Night’s Sleep.”